Administración web

Maintenance reduced to a single click. Sit back and relax. Maintenance, administration, and configuration tasks are readily accessible through Atmail’s…

Maintenance reduced to a single click.

Sit back and relax. Maintenance, administration, and configuration tasks are readily accessible through Atmail’s elegant, easy-to-use interface. With Atmail Web Administration, you’ll never need to worry.

The benefits of the Atmail 6 WebAdmin include:

Delegation of Control and Responsibility
The module allows you to delegate Email Administration tasks and responsibilities to a SubAdmin (your customer, the owner of a domain or group of domains), freeing you from managing their User Accounts and Aliases. Let them administer their own accounts.

Return On Investment
The Atmail 6 WebAdmin allows you to provide email hosting for multiple domains to multiple clients. More than just a value-add service, this means that you can provide email accounts with webmail access and a web-based administration section to any number of clients from your centralized messaging platform (the Atmail server). Decreasing your overhead of administration tasks and consolidating email hosting from the proven-inferior distributed system model, the Atmail 6 WebAdmin is gaining acclaim for taking fledgling ISPs out of the red and into the black.

WebAdmin Features for Atmail Email Server:

Add, Delete and Modify Users
The WebAdmin can Create, Delete and Modify user accounts for the groups or domains assigned to their SubAdmin account.

Purge Users
The WebAdmin can Purge inactive user accounts for the groups or domains assigned to their SubAdmin account.

Search and List Users
The WebAdmin can easily maintain and search for user-accounts using the Webadmin interface. The Search Users function allows the WebAdmin to find accounts easily within a large user database.

Migrate Users
The WebAdmin is able to migrate users via CSV (Comma Separated Values file) import.

Email Aliases / Forwarding
The domain-level forwarding and aliases feature allows the WebAdmin to maintain email aliases easily via the web-based interface.

Statistics and Logs
Allows the WebAdmin to view account creation and login statistics for their domain(s). The logs show the new accounts created and recent login details as well as inbound/outbound message statistics.

SubAdmin Settings

As the «Master» Administrator you can create and modify SubAdmin settings, including the following options:

Administrator Details
SubAdmin username, password and Full Name

User Permissions
Groups and Domains that the SubAdmin has control.

Number of Accounts Allowed
The Maximum number of Accounts the SubAdmin can create.

Total Disk Quota
The Maximum «Total Disk Quota» that the SubAdmin is provided to allocate to their User Accounts.

Webadmin Privileges
Add, Delete Modify, Purge Users, Search, List, Migrate, Account Logs and Email Aliases can be enabled or disabled.
Utilizing the SubAdmin feature, you can delegate administrative tasks and responsibilities to SubAdmins, adding value to the mailserver solution you provide to your email clients.

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